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Village Tourism Promoted: In a need an Innovation and Creative Content Delivery

Burung merpati bertengger di atas gardu pandang obyek wistaa Bukit Asmara Situk di Desa Kalilunjar, Kecamatan Banjarmangu, Kabupaten Banjarnegara, Jawa Tengah, Sabtu (12/11). Obyek wisata ini dikelola swadaya oleh warga sejak awal tahun. Dari pengelolaan obyek wisata itu, desa mendapat tambahan pemasukan untuk meningkatkan infrastruktur sekaligus menggerakkan perekonomian warga.

BANJARNEGARA, KOMPAS – A number of villages in southern Central Java continue to develop the potential of self-tourism by packaging the charm of nature innovatively. The development of the tourist village is slowly lifting the economy of citizens independently without government assistance.

Head of Kalilunjar Village, Banjarmangu Sub-District, Banjarnegara Regency, Central Java, Sarkum, Sunday (13/11), said that since early 2016, local residents have agreed to develop Bukit Asmara Situk tourism object. Until now, visitors in locations that offer natural landscape from that height averaged 1300 people in a week.

“Visitors not only from Banjarnegara and surrounding areas, but also from Temanggung, Cilacap, Pekalongan, Tegal, and Semarang. In fact, there are also from Jakarta and foreign tourists, “said Sarkum.

Bukit Asmara Situk Visitors are mostly young people. They want to enjoy the panoramic beauty of a number of photo-taking points. A number of couples also make the location as a place of pre-wedding photos.

According to Sarkum, with tickets of Rp 5,000 on weekdays and Rp 10,000 for Saturday and Sunday, the potential for additional village revenues increased by approximately Rp 30 million. In Banyumas, one of the villages that is very active in adding attractions as an attraction, namely Ketenger Village in District Baturraden. According to Ketenger H Yayuk Village Chief, several new tourist objects managed by residents include Curug Bayan, Curug Penganten, and Curug Kembar, as well as new rides that have been quite popular, the World Miniature Park or Small World.


Independence Village

Income from the tourism sector, said Yayuk, making the village cash more independent. Citizens are no longer waiting for help from the government as usual. In fact, to improve the village road, residents can now use the village cash that now reaches Rp 500 million per year.

One of the fastest districts to manage a tourist village is Purbalingga. So far, the number of tourist villages spread across 15 regions. Chairman of the Awareness Group (Pokdarwis) Ardi Mandala Giri Village Panusupan, Yanto Supardi said, since packaged better, the number of visitors to his village which originally only 11,000 people per year now reaches 98,000 people per year.

“Local governments have a role, especially in community development, such as training how to guide, manage homestay, and promotion,” he said. All income from tourism is used to develop infrastructure and improve the economy of citizens.

Head of Tourism Department of Culture Tourism Youth and Sports Purbalingga Prayitno revealed, until now, has been developed 15 tourist villages. Generally promote the beauty of nature and local culture. “The key to success are the innovation and creative content delivery. The reason, almost all villages sell natural beauty. So, it needs to be packed interesting and unique so that tourists are interested in visiting, “said Prayitno.


This paper was published in Kompas Daily, Monday, November 14, 2016 entitled “Village Tourism Promoted: In a need an Innovation and Creative Content Delivery”


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